Steps for Two Watercolor Horses

This particular painting started as a commission.  The specs were two horses in watercolor trotting accross the scene, along with Chinese Characters in the upper rh corner.  I started with drawings.  Spent time sketching several drawings of trotting moving horses.
                                               Here are a couple of the sketches with ball point pen.
                                              This is the final with india ink on watercolor paper.  I have
                                              dabbed a few areas, which I want to remain white, with
                                              liquid frisket.  They are the yellowish areas.
                                              Laying in areas of color, starting with light washes.  The
                                              paper is 300 lb.  rough Arches so I have it lightly taped on the
                                              corners, as the thick paper will not buckle-so it does not
                                             need every margin taped down.
                                            This is the completed horse part of the artwork.
                                            The Chinese characters are very specific.  And since I do not
                                           have experience in Chinese Character writing, I was super
                                           careful to be precise with the painting of these symbols.
                                          I have predrawn the symbols on another paper, the exact
                                          size that I want them on the painting.  As the final is done in
                                          permanent ink, I want all the particulars (size, shape, etc),
                                          completely  worked out before I draw it on the finish art.
                                     When I am happy with the design, I transfer the image with
                                     graphite.  As I do the final inking of the letters, I am careful to
                                     cover the rest of the work to protect it.
                                                           Chinese characters done!


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